
Showing posts from July, 2018

Magical Love

  A middle-aged man walks into his home after a tiresome rainy day at work. He notices that his daughter is curled up in the corner as she reads a book. He wonders what she reads about until he recognizes it’s her history text book. He is pleased to see her interested in studies, but his pleasure soon turns into worry. He drops his bag of tools by the door he has already shut. He takes the towel within his reach to wipe himself dry. He wonders about his wife for a moment, but rest alludes him as he perceives a draft blowing the curtains.He coughs into his fist as he walks into his bedroom. He scavenges through the linen and sighs as he grabs a blanket with both hands. In a bid to unfold it, he swings it around as he turns to leave the room. By the time he reaches his daughter she is about to turn the page. He heaves and swings the blanket around her shoulders and lets it cover her cold body. Her eyes immediately meet his and she smiles at his benevolence. She drops the book at her side