
Showing posts from July, 2021

Engineering our Engines

We live in a world of Engineers. After the industrial revolution and with the escalating discoveries in advanced physics, innovation has reached a peak that demands a speedy engineering of all the innovation that is still waiting in research centres for engineers to make them practically feasible. Necessity is the mother of all inventions and while we wait eagerly for inspiration, the human mind evolves and advances gradually, but surely. The word Engineering is derived from the Latin words meaning to ‘generate’ (ideas, products) through ‘cleverness’. It is truly cleverness along with presence of mind that helped Isaac Newton discover the presence of this force of gravity that keeps us all grounded. It is Newton’s acute presence of mind and his dire desire to make calculations relatively easy through ‘Calculus’ that has helped humanity understand the requirement of propulsion to overcome gravity and thus we “fly”. Like him the list of people that have contributed to the human technol