Engineering our Engines

We live in a world of Engineers. After the industrial revolution and with the escalating discoveries in advanced physics, innovation has reached a peak that demands a speedy engineering of all the innovation that is still waiting in research centres for engineers to make them practically feasible. Necessity is the mother of all inventions and while we wait eagerly for inspiration, the human mind evolves and advances gradually, but surely.

The word Engineering is derived from the Latin words meaning to ‘generate’ (ideas, products) through ‘cleverness’. It is truly cleverness along with presence of mind that helped Isaac Newton discover the presence of this force of gravity that keeps us all grounded. It is Newton’s acute presence of mind and his dire desire to make calculations relatively easy through ‘Calculus’ that has helped humanity understand the requirement of propulsion to overcome gravity and thus we “fly”. Like him the list of people that have contributed to the human technological advancement is long and we have a great deal to be grateful.

But all the revolution in technology did not happen single handily through the minds and hands of scientists and theoretical physicists. We also needed engineers and skilled labour. The greatest among all the engineers that we may have ever known is Nikola Tesla, whose revolutionary work in the field of Electromagnetism has limitlessly expanded on the ideas carved by Faraday, Maxwell and Bohr. But before we could access our vehicle through our mobile phones to recharge those batteries and enjoy the dream of autonomously driven vehicles, we had to first learn about propulsion. And long before we understood that electricity can easily power anything and everything, inspired minds found that boiling water could propel a neat assembly of gears and shafts to bring ease to the human effort.


Development of the Internal Combustion Engine

The first steam engine was designed and built by Thomas Savery in 1698 to raise water from mines through suction produced by condensing steam. Thomas Newcomen improved the efficiency of this idea by adding a piston that would separate the water from the condensing steam. One improvement over the idea led to many eager and curious minds to try to better the system. Between 1763 to 1775 James Watt designed a better engine with the help of Matthew Boulton. They patented their design under the name Watt-Boulton and he never stopped making further improvements on it. Inspired by their work, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot created the first steam powered carriage that was capable of transporting humans in 1768. Inventors continued to take cues from each other’s improvements. The de Rivas Engine developed by the Franco-Swiss inventor Isaac de Rivas in 1804, was developed as a pioneering reciprocating engine using hydrogen gas as fuel ignited by a spark ignition. This is acclaimed as the first IC engine. Samuel Brown also tested his Gas Vacuum engine in 1827 using hydrogen as fuel. He also used “water gas” which is a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide obtained by passing water over white-hot coke.  However, the problem of disposing precipitate clubbed with high costs made his ideas unpopular. And within a few years, Internal combustion Engines that compressed gas mixed with air promised viability and feasibility, thus gaining popularity among investors.

William Murdoch built a working model of the steam engine carriage in 1784 and demonstrated his idea to Richard Trevithick in 1794. However, while all these steam engines were mainly used to pump and deliver water in various mines and industries, it was only in 1802 that Richard Trevithick used a high-powered steam engine to build the first coal burning locomotive engine in the United Kingdom and then was born the railways.


A trial by Alcohol

In 1826, Samuel Morey used alcohol in his first American Vapour Internal Combustion Engine prototype. His idea was revolutionary since the demand and production of alcohol for beverages, lanterns and farming was huge. But the cost of the American Civil War was crippling the exchequer. US lawmakers led by Abe Lincoln saw the opportunity to raise funds for governance by taxing alcohol in 1862. This huge taxation imposed on alcohol made Samuel Morey’s idea expensive and most investors seemed uninterested in a highly taxed vapor engine considering the success of the gasoline engine. The first push to popularize his work was done by Charles Duryea in America, but the tax regime still took away its thunder. In 1860, German inventor Nicolaus Otto uses ethyl alcohol as a fuel in an early internal combustion engine and by the 1890s, alcohol-fuelled engines began to be used in farm machinery in Europe, making countries more fuel independent. Research at the Experimental Mechanical Laboratory of Paris and at the Deutsche Landwirtschaftliche Gesellschaft in Berlin in the 1890s helped pave the way for the expanded use of alcohol fuel. In 1908, when the Ford Model T was introduced, the early models had adjustable carburettors to run on ethanol with gasoline as an option. In 1973, the Arab oil embargo created a worldwide energy crisis, leading to intensified search for alternative energy sources. Also, in the same year, the government of Brazil started the program "Pró-Álcool" in order to substitute gasoline powered vehicles in favour of automobiles powered by ethanol. Such program would lead to the development of the first ethanol powered automobile motor in the world.


Internal Combustion Engines dominate globally

But the inspiration to invent did not stop there. Production of early vehicles began appearing when Karl Benz patented a gasoline powered IC Engine in 1880. His work to develop a horseless carriage thus patented the first Motorwagen running on a gasoline powered IC engine and rolled out his automobile in Mannheim in 1886. Meanwhile Rudolf Diesel developed three prototypes of his engine using gasoline as fuel between 1878 and 1898 obtaining patents in major countries around Europe. In 1899, the first two-stroke diesel engine, invented by Hugo Guldner was built. In 1905 fuel injection systems, intercoolers and turbochargers were introduced into the engine and in 1912 the first locomotive with a diesel engine was used on the Swiss Winterthur-Romanshorn railroad. In 1929, the first passenger car with a diesel engine appeared. Its engine is an Otto engine modified to use the diesel principle and Bosch's injection pump.

Across the Atlantic, a young man tested his own motor engine using gasoline as fuel at the end of December in 1893. He ignited the fuel in his engine using a wire from a bulb socket. His name was Henry Ford. The first automobile he developed was a Quadricycle that was completed in 1896. Many other investors began investing into building automobiles for racing separately in Europe and the USA. One such Company in USA known as the Henry Ford Motor Company was taken over by Cadillac Motor Company in 1902. In 1903 Henry Ford started the Ford Motor Company with twelve other investors ultimately taking over its entire control only in 1919. Even though, Ford Motor Company began to roll out its automobiles that ran on internal combustion engines right from inception in 1903, it was only in October of 1908 that the very first Ford Model T rolled from their Detroit plant.

Defying the dominance of gasoline and Diesel

In the 1930s countries with a low supply of oil like England, France and Germany began experimenting with alternative fuels in search of alternatives to fuel their growing car fleets. Ultimately striving for self-reliance, no option was to be left untested. Among others, experiments were conducted with natural gas and LPG better known as Autogas. The first mention of propane and butane mixture comes from as early as 1910. It was then that Walter O. Snelling, an American chemist researching properties of petrol, separated gaseous fractions from liquid ones, thus discovering the existence of propane. Two years later, in 1912, he started his first domestic propane installation, and in 1913 he patented producing propane on an industrial scale. Information concerning practical use of LPG dates to 1918, when the fuel was utilised for brazing lamps and metal-cutting blowtorches until it was first used as fuel in a motor truck in 1928. LPG first appeared in Europe when it was imported from the USA and introduced in France in mid-1930's. 

In 1934 Germany kicked off a programme to increase independence from expensive and depleting oil imports. The following year in 1935 several alternatively fuelled vehicles were presented at the international automobile fair in Berlin. LPG had been discovered in Germany only a few years earlier as a condensate when compressing refinery off-gas to extract gasoil. It was being sold in cylinders as propane and butane or as a less refined mixture of both components. By 1942 the supply of LPG was plentiful as aviation grade and other liquid fuels were being synthesized and co-synthesized from lignite.

The use of Natural Gas (methane) for vehicles also started in the 1930s and has continued off and on until today. Since 2008 there have been a large market expansion for natural gas vehicles (CNG and LPG) caused by the rise of petrol/ gasoline/ diesel prices and by the need to reduce air pollution emissions. A natural gas vehicle (NGV) is also an alternative fuel vehicle that uses compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquefied natural gas (LNG) in internal combustion engines. Natural gas vehicles should not be confused with auto-gas vehicles powered by liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), which is a fuel with a fundamentally different composition. CNG-powered vehicles are considered to be safer than gasoline-powered vehicles.

Existing gasoline-powered vehicles may be converted to run on LPG or CNG or LNG, and can be dedicated (running only on natural gas) or bi-fuel (running on either gasoline or natural gas). Conversion kits for gasoline or diesel to LPG/LNG/CNG are available in many countries, along with the labour to install them. However, the range of prices and quality of conversion vary enormously. However, an increasing number of vehicles worldwide are being manufactured to run on CNG.

Though LNG and CNG are both considered NGVs, the technologies are vastly different. Refueling equipment, fuel cost, pumps, tanks, hazards, capital costs are all different. One thing they share is that due to engines made for gasoline, computer- controlled valves to control fuel mixtures are required for both of them, often being proprietary and specific to the manufacturer. The on-engine technology for fuel metering is the same for LNG and CNG. Autogas, also known as LPG, has different chemical composition, but still a petroleum-based gas and has a number of inherent advantages and disadvantages, as well as noninherent ones. The inherent advantage of auto-gas over CNG is that it requires far less compression (20% of CNG cost), is denser as it is a liquid at room temperature, and thus requires far cheaper tanks (by the consumer) and fuel compressors (by the provider) than CNG. As compared to LNG, it requires no chilling (and thus less energy), or problems associated with extreme cold such as frostbite. Like NGV, it also has advantages over gasoline and diesel in cleaner emissions, along with less wear on the engines over gasoline. The major drawback of LPG is its safety. The fuel is volatile and the fumes are heavier than air, which causes them to collect in a low spot in the event of a leak, making it far more hazardous to use and more care is needed in handling. Besides this, LPG is more expensive than Natural Gas.


The blooming struggle of the Electric Vehicles

In 1828, a Hungarian physicist Anyos Jedlik invented an early type of electric motor, and created a small model car powered by his new motor. Between 1832 and 1839, Scottish inventor Robert Anderson also invented a crude electric carriage. In 1835, Professor Sibrandus Stratingh of Groningen, the Netherlands and his assistant Christopher Becker from Germany also created a small-scale electric car, powered by non-rechargeable primary cells. These were the first attempts at creating an Electric Vehicle. Rechargeable batteries that provided a viable means for storing electricity on board a vehicle did not come into being until 1859, with the invention of the lead–acid battery by French physicist Gaston Plante. Camille Alphonse Faure, another French scientist, significantly improved the design of the battery in 1881; his improvements greatly increased the capacity of such batteries and led directly to their manufacture on an industrial scale. In 1880 French inventor Gustave Trouve improved the efficiency of a small electric motor developed by Siemens and using the recently developed rechargeable battery, fitted it on an English James Starley tricycle, thus so inventing the world's first Electric Vehicle.

After enjoying success up to the beginning of the 20th century, the electric car began to lose its position in the automobile market. A number of developments contributed to this situation. The first hurdle was the non- availability of infrastructure for recharging the batteries on long drives. By the 1920s an improved road infrastructure improved travel times, creating a need for vehicles with a greater range than that offered by electric cars. Worldwide discoveries of large petroleum reserves led to the wide availability of affordable gasoline, making gasoline powered cars cheaper to operate over long distances. Electrical cars remained popular for short drives within the city and around the neighbourhood. Finally, the initiation of mass production of gasoline powered vehicles by Henry Ford brought the price of gasoline powered vehicles down. By contrast, the price of similar electric vehicles continued to rise and by 1912, an electric car sold for almost double the price of a gasoline car. Most electric car makers stopped production at some point in the 1910s. By the 1920s, the early heyday of electric cars had passed, and a decade later, the electric automobile industry had effectively disappeared.

On 31 July 1971, an electric car received the unique distinction of becoming the first manned vehicle to drive on the Moon; that car was the Lunar Roving Vehicle, which was first deployed during the Apollo 15 mission. The "Moon buggy" was developed by Boeing and General-Motor’s subsidiary Delco Electronics. From the 1960s to the 1990s, a number of companies made battery electric vehicles converted from existing manufactured models, often using gliders. None were sold in large numbers, with sales hampered by high cost and a limited range. Most of these vehicles were sold to government agencies and electric utility companies. The passage of the Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Research, Development and Demonstration Act of 1976 in the US provided government incentives for development of electric vehicles in the US. In the early 1990s, the California Air Resources Board (CARB), the government of California's "clean air agency", began a push for more fuel-efficient, lower-emissions vehicles, with the ultimate goal being a move to zero-emissions vehicles such as electric vehicles. In response, automakers developed electric models, including the Chrysler TEVan, Ford Ranger EV pickup truck, GM EV1 and S10 EV pickup, Honda EV Plus hatchback, Nissan lithium-battery Altra EV miniwagon and Toyota RAV4 EV. However, the automakers were accused of pandering to the wishes of CARB, in order to continue to be allowed to sell fossil fuel powered cars in the lucrative Californian market, while failing to adequately promote their electric vehicles, in order to create the impression that the consumers were not interested in the electric cars, all the while joining oil industry lobbyists in vigorously protesting CARB's mandate.


The emergence of Electric Vehicle dominance

The emergence of metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) technology led to the development of modern electric road vehicles. The MOSFET (MOS field-effect transistor, or MOS transistor) developed in 1969 by Hitachi and the microcontroller, a type of single-chip microprocessor, led to significant advances in electric vehicle technology. MOSFET power converters allowed operation at much higher switching frequencies, made it easier to drive, reduced power losses, and significantly reduced prices, while single-chip microcontrollers could manage all aspects of the drive control and had the capacity for battery management. Another important technology that enabled modern highway-capable electric cars is the lithium-ion battery commercialised by Sony in the 1980s and 1990s. The lithium-ion battery was responsible for the development of electric vehicles capable of long-distance travel. Electric car maker Tesla Motors began development in 2004 on the Tesla Roadster, which was first delivered to customers in 2008. The Roadster was the first highway legal serial production all-electric car to use lithium-ion battery cells, and the first production all-electric car to travel more than 320 km (200 miles) per charge. Senior leaders at several large automakers, including Nissan and General Motors, have stated that the Roadster was a catalyst which demonstrated that there is pent-up consumer demand for more efficient vehicles. In an August 2009 edition of The New Yorker, GM vice-chairman Bob Lutz was quoted as saying, "All the geniuses here at General Motors kept saying lithium-ion technology is 10 years away, and Toyota agreed with us – and boom, along comes Tesla. So I said, 'How come some tiny little California start-up, run by guys who know nothing about the car business, can do this, and we can't?' That was the crowbar that helped break up the log jam”.

As of June 2014, there were over 500,000 plug-in electric passenger cars and utility vans in the world, with the U.S. leading plug-in electric car sales with a 45% share of global sales.  In September 2014, sales of plug-in electric cars in the United States reached the 250,000-unit milestone. In September 2018, the Norwegian market share of all-electric cars reached 45.3% and plug-in hybrids 14.9%, for a combined market share of the plug-in car segment of 60.2% of new car registrations that month, becoming the world's highest-ever monthly market share for the plug-in electric passenger segment in Norway and in any country. In October 2018, Norway became the first country where 1 in every 10 passenger cars registered is a plug-in electric vehicle. Norway ended 2018 with plug-in market share of 49.1%, meaning that every second new passenger car sold in the country in 2018 was a plug-in electric. The global stock of plug-in electric passenger cars reached 5.1 million units in December 2018, consisting of 3.3 million all-electric cars (65%) and 1.8 million plug-in hybrid cars (35%). Despite the rapid growth experienced, the plug-in electric car segment represented just about 1 out of every 250 motor vehicles on the world's roads at the end of 2018. Tesla Motors also became the first auto manufacturer to produce 1 million electric cars in March 2020.

As of this day, there is a global race to abandon all fossil fuels and have all electric vehicles plying the roads around the world. Infrastructure for electric vehicle charging facilities is being developed at a war footing pace around the globe with even third world nations joining the revolution. Large fossil fuel refining Corporations have begun shedding their investments in fossil fuels and investing their financial muscle into long lasting/ fast charging battery manufacturing technology, development of charging stations and its inherent technologies. Global electronic Corporations and mobile phone manufacturers are racing to develop hi-tech electrical vehicles to compete for a market share with existing automobile manufacturers. Heavy Industry and Electrical component manufacturers have invested heavily into manufacturing components for EV Charging Stations. Every nation has announced its commitment to completely shift into the electric vehicle lifestyle by 2035. The race has just begun. When will you enter?




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