The Human Mind – Success is a derivative of spiritual satisfaction

The Human Mind. It is more advanced than any computer ever developed and not even artificial intelligence or organic computing comes any closer. As technology develops, scientists are enthusiastic about developing android systems that could replace the human on shop floors of industries and even in the farms. Today we have large robotic machines that can, plough, sow, fertilise, irrigate and even harvest farmlands. A couple of people to operate the machine and plan its work for the day is enough to easily farm over one hectare of land.

SMART LYZ is a user-friendly fully automated three-star hotel in Chengdu, China. After travellers have booked their stay online, they will be recognized on a console at the lobby of the hotel using face recognition software, palm scans and government recognised unique identity numbers. Travellers can check themselves into the hotel where an electronic card key is printed on the spot. The traveller accesses the elevators, room doors and even the room service console with that electronic key. Room service is delivered via a moving and user-friendly robot and though a large amount of work is managed by human resources at the back end of the hotel, the traveller could check in, stay, check out and leave the hotel premises without having to see, meet or even speak to any of the hotel employees.

Many prototypes of self-driven cars have already been developed by the biggest global auto corporates. The latest is levitation technology to vehicles that need no wheels and no tyres. Once the systems are turned on and computers in the vehicles are booted, the vehicle cabin floats and it can glide at a constant height above the road to speeds of up to 60 kms per hour. Using hi-tech sensor technology, it will slow down on approaching obstruction and even stop two meters away from any object in its path. At the moment, Volkswagen and Honda have already developed such ‘Electrical Pod’ prototypes.

Nevertheless, humans can never be replaced in the field of innovation. The ambition and the ability to innovate has enabled the human to use his mind extensively to understand, manipulate and re-invent the human lifestyle. The creator gave humans the gift of procreation and also the gift to understand His creation. Since the 1850s, God allowed and encouraged while humans have taken all the credit in discovering and developing scientific laws in electromagnetism, electrodynamics and quantum mechanics. Today, scientists understand that physics is the mother of science because the fundamentals of all matter that exist is studied in physics. And Physics is the nomenclature of the study and understanding of what God as intelligently created. Nothing happens by chance, there is always the “Order of Things” which mankind is beginning to understand through quantum mechanics. Chance by itself is a tool that God has used to automate the development of his creation and as long as it is not contaminated by human error, it develops and blooms as He has defined.

Today, life and lifestyle have taken different paths and because God has given us the gift of free will, humanity has fashioned lifestyle for the sake of self-glorification and vanity. Even success has lost its real meaning. Success is no more defined as the perfect balance between earthly and spiritual achievements. Today success is identified through growth in business and accumulation of wealth. Not everyone has the cunning of business to climb that ladder efficiently. Early into adolescence, people perceive success as the capability of possessing flashy phones, flashy cars, top management corporate positions and the freedom to travel, see the world until, they are ready to settle down in a luxurious mansion overlooking the sea. Very few people are truly contained into understanding God, His laws and His plan for salvation of souls. In Truth, life is much more than the climax of the human experience of the material life. And this flaw in the perception of success has pushed one too many people into desperation and even mental depression.

The desire to perfect every aspect of life has led some people into becoming intolerant to the required nature of humility and compromise. The level of acceptance of failure is highly limited. Vanity and short cuts to lavishness is increasingly making life meaningless and insipid. Distractions in the form of recreation has diverted the hearts of many people from family values and simplicity to greed and vanity. All these attributes have contaminated the human lifestyle. This contamination has sown seeds of dissatisfaction, envy, grudge that in turn have harvested mental and physical diseases. Long term stress and dissatisfaction leads to depression. Long term depression leads to the choice of detrimental lifestyles that invite many diseases like, dementia, cholesterol, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and even cancer.

Deeply inflicted emotional wounds are buried and sometimes covered by multiple layers of emotional stress and emotional abuse, that lie hidden within the darkness of the subconscious mind. These emotional wounds unless treated through therapy or spiritual renewal or both will lead the person into becoming conflicted, complexed, self-obsessed and even deranged. Such emotional hurt present in the subconscious human mind, works like computer malware within the conscious mind instigating continuous stress, frustration, dissatisfaction, abuse and bad habits. Such stress, frustration, dissatisfaction, abuse and bad habits are circumstances that slowly poison the attitude and mental balance of a person. Suicide is a step taken by those who are emotionally weak, unlike the emotionally strong whose subconscious wounds develop into physical diseases due to the stressful circumstances of life. Cancer is thought to be the harvesting of unhealed emotional subconscious wounds that are accelerated by eating disorders.

Due to the greed for monetary profits, higher shelf life of commodities and satisfaction of the taste buds, food corporates are indirectly poisoning the body of their consumers. Due to the stress in sales, high level corporate competition and profit-making management techniques, the life of managers, workers and businessmen has become stressful. Unwanted higher quantities of hormones such as testosterone and adrenaline are taking over the human body; increasing the levels of cortisol (that increases stress and that deteriorates health) while reducing levels of hormones such as serotonin and endorphins (that enhances peace) and also oxytocin (that promotes happiness). Due to frustration, people find means and measures to elevate testosterone and adrenaline in the body to release the pleasure hormone dopamine in the brain at the expense of serotonin. Such lifestyles lead people into chronic infertility, alcoholism, drug abuse, deranged sexual habits and even cardiac failures.

Due to unhealthy lifestyles, contaminated mental balance, unbalanced spiritual life and dissatisfaction, the human develops physical diseases and self-inflicted diseases that the mind cannot overcome through the body’s immune system. For example, diabetes and hypertension are diseases that begin with stress. Cholesterol is a disease that is caused due to unhealthy diets, gluttony and obesity. Most people relieve stress with overeating, consuming fast foods and consumption of alcoholic beverages. High sugar diets, amalgamated salts and high acid content in fast foods and aerated drinks also causes cancer. Sexually transmitted diseases are usually the result of irresponsible and immoral life.

Has humanity made a mess of life? The competition for the establishment of a career has become intense. Youngsters entering this complicated cycle, must find where they fit in the global economic machinery. They must decide a blend between what they like to do and what they want to pursue as a career. But not everybody has a clear focus of life. Not everybody can easily decide. Some people are confused; others feel lost. They lack direction and they are helpless without proper guidance. Which counsellor can they trust?

God can help a person solve any problem at any time. But faith and wisdom to understand God’s guidance is important. With God, anything and everything is impossible. Even last stages of cancer can be reversed. The solutions begin with the human taking responsibility for his/ her own spiritual conflict through repentance and prayer. Then, counselling and mental therapy to heal subconscious hurt will enable the mind to heal the body. Confusions in the conscious mind are usually the result of unsolved issues and emotional wounds in the subconscious mind. God created the human mind with great potential of even lifting a mountain and drowning it in the sea. The pollution of the subconscious and conscious mind is what cripples the human mental capability.

The human growth in technological advancement and lifestyle is staggering; showing exponential progress in the last two centuries …. But is all this social and technological growth leading us to annihilation? Is technological progress that was meant for easing human life slowly crippling us???


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